Bamboo Flower Pot

Bamboo Flower Pot

SKU: NMNBMBUFLWRPOT001 Categories: , ,

Original price was: ₹750.00.Current price is: ₹699.00.

Ditch plastic and cultivate a healthy, stylish living space with our unique collection of
handcrafted flower pots! Made from sustainable, eco-friendly materials, these planters bring
a touch of tradition and natural beauty to your home.
 Handcrafted for Uniqueness: Each planter is meticulously crafted by skilled
artisans, ensuring no two are exactly alike.expand_more You'll receive a one-of-a-
kind piece that celebrates the beauty of handmade treasures.

 Biodegradable & Eco-Friendly: Our commitment to the planet starts with the
materials we use. Woven banana leaf, terracotta, recycled paper mache, bamboo, and
coiled rope planters are all biodegradable, so you can feel good about your impact on
the environment.exclamation
 Style Meets Sustainability: Who says eco-conscious can't be stylish? Our planters
come in a variety of designs and textures to complement any décor.
 Healthy Plants, Happy Home: The natural breathability of these materials promotes
healthy root growth for your plants, keeping them thriving for years to
More than just a planter, it's a statement piece that reflects your values and brings the
beauty of nature indoors.
Browse our collection today and discover the perfect sustainable planter to add a touch
of handcrafted charm to your living room!


Additional information


10 Inch Base, 12 Inch Base, 15 Inch Base, 18 Inch Base, 24 Inch Base, 4 Inch Base, 6 Inch Base, 8 Inch Base


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